It seems one day a market study will conclude that the home sales market is bad because today's generation has no desire to own a home. Then, the next day a new report will detail the improved housing market and predict that Millennials will be the largest home buying group in 2015. What gives? The generation that doesn't believe in homeownership will be the largest home buying group next year?
Here are headlines from three separate news releases issued over a one month period
Millions of Potential New Households Waiting Out the Recovery
Experts: First-Time Homebuyers' Weak Finances Holding Back Housing Market
And then,
This Year, Millennials Will Be Biggest Home Buying Group
How can the same news source contradict itself like that?
It sure seems that the group that released the first two stories disagrees with the organization that published the last news release.
Surprise: the same entity published all three reports.
It seems the company (a well-respected provider of housing information) reported that those forming new households are not looking to buy a home. They actually surveyed over one hundred housing experts who agreed. But 30 days later, they reported that millennials (most new households) will be the biggest group of home buyers this year. All in one month!!
All the headlines can be true. However, a consumer reading them might be misled.
It's easy to be confused when National and Local information is mixed together. Statistics can be misinterpreted and become misleading. It takes an expert to make sense out of the figures and not someone looking to create an attention grabbing headline.
If you are confused about the conflicting housing headlines and reports, it is best to talk to a local real estate professional who can help you understand your local real estate market.
Realty World ALL STARS agents have the training, experience and local market knowledge to help you with your real estate questions and concerns. And they also know when more research is needed to give you an intelligent answer.